Q. 18. Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereunto man fell?
A. The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell, consists in the guilt of Adam’s first sin, the want of original righteousness, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called original sin; together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.

Let’s look at this answer phrase by phrase.

Guilt of Adam’s first sin – As Thomas Watson says  “Adam being a representative person, while he stood, we stood; when he fell, we fell.” God deals with human beings always and only by a representative. 

want of original righteousness – That is we are not what we were, we are not what we were meant to be. When Adam was created he was was righteous, ‘in the right’, things were as they should have been. But we no longer have the righteousness God gave humans when they were created.

corruption of his whole nature – It is difficult to accept that sin has effected every area of our being, it leaves nothing untouched. Our best works are tainted, our finest thoughts are marred. We find insidious pride is always with us.

Put together these three aspects of what the catechism is describing and we understand the doctrine of original sin. In sin my mother conceived me says David (Psalm 51:5). In the days of Noah God saw that the inclination of man’s heart was only evil all of the time (Genesis 6:5).

This doesn’t mean we’re as bad as we could be, but it does mean that in our world sin leaves its mark on everything. If this wasn’t crushing enough, the framers of this question add in with all actual transgressions proceeding from it. That is the deliberate rebellion of which we are each guilty. It is knowing God’s law and deliberately breaking it. 

We are being taught that the actual sin proceeds from the reality that I am a sinner. Jesus tells us it is ‘For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.  (Matthew 18:17). I am not a sinner because I sin but I sin because I am a sinner. The problem is not just what I do but who I am.

The answer to Q18 is a damning inditement on humanity which rams home the truth, ‘There is none is righteous, no, not one’  (Romans 3:10).

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